You've likely seen embeds before. They're a great way to display information to a user in a clean way.
In this section we will cover how to create and customize embeds.
Here is an example of what embeds can look like.

Building the Embed
Discord4J uses Immutable Specs to build objects, for to build embeds we use EmbedCreatSpec.builder()
EmbedCreateSpec embed = EmbedCreateSpec.builder()
.author("Some Name", "https://discord4j.com", "https://i.imgur.com/F9BhEoz.png")
.description("a description")
.addField("field title", "value", false)
.addField("\u200B", "\u200B", false)
.addField("inline field", "value", true)
.addField("inline field", "value", true)
.addField("inline field", "value", true)
.footer("footer", "https://i.imgur.com/F9BhEoz.png")
.flatMap(channel -> channel.createMessage(embed))
Embeds can also be sent when the message contains content:
.flatMap(channel -> channel.createMessage(MessageCreateSpec.builder()
.content("A meaningful quote from a good movie")
All embed properties are optional. If you want a simpler embed, you can leave out what you don't want.
Embed Colors
Discord4J uses a custom Color
class when a color param is needed. But, you may want more color choices than the default enum provides.
Color rgbColor = Color.of(rr, gg, bb);
Color hexColor = Color.of(0xAABBCC);
Blank Fields
Discord enforces that embed fields and their values contain characters. However, you can "bypass" this restriction by using a zero-width space. To use a ZWS, just use "\u200B"
as shown in the example above.
Attaching Images
Like other messages, images can be directly attached to the message and the embed can use the image from the attachment.
Using attachment://filename.extension
as the image URL, an embed can reference the image attached.
If you plan on attaching the same image many times, consider hosting it online and providing the URL to it.
This helps reduce your bandwidth and increase bot response time as you no longer need to upload the image every time its embedded.
EmbedCreateSpec embed = EmbedCreateSpec.builder()
.flatMap(channel -> channel.createMessage(MessageCreateSpec.builder()
.content("content? content")
.addFile("file-name.png", fileAsInputStream)
Quirks and Features
- If you want 2 or more fields side-by-side, they must have
inline: true
- The timestamp in the footer, like other timestamps across the client, adjusts to the user's locale
- Mentions will only render correctly in the description and field values.
- Mentions in embeds will not ping users
- Embeds allow markdown. Field values and description support markdown links.
However, there are some limitations to embeds
- Titles are limited to
characters - Descriptions are limited to
characters - Each embed can have up to
fields - A field's name is limited to
characters and its value to1024
characters - The footer is limited to
characters - The author name is limited to
characters - Up to
embeds can be included in a single message - The total length (of the raw json) of all embeds in a message cannot exceed
And the biggest thing to remember: Embeds are rendered client-side and as such, may look different screen-to-screen depending on screen size.
It's always a good idea to plan out and test how your embeds look on desktop and mobile screens.